Bring it on, luhhhsaaa !

For those who are desperately looking for others mistake, u hve done a really big mistake :) congratulation suckerrrr. so Thank you

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tak malu

I love you :D

Me love

My very own tree haha


Im writing this while listening to Paramore`s song – careful. Its cool. Eventhough my voice sounds like crap when I sing, I still enjoy it haha. Im proud of it. Careful, I think everybody should beware of all the things that occur these days. Example : flood, earthquake, murder, kidnap, accident. Pheww, it gives me goosebump when I talk about it. Im sooooooooo scared, I mean terrified when I heard about kidnapping. It is my worst nightmare. Just imagine if you are the one that been kidnapped, what will you do ?

I will :
1. Bite the kidnapper until he bleeds and slowly die.
2. Hit them using anything that I have in hand, such as phone, purse etc.
3. Scream until they scared haha XD ( can I ? )
4. Spit on their faces ( the more, the better ) haha yuckss im sooo disgusting
5. Make fool of them haha XD ( again, can I ? )

Pheww, I really wish they will not kidnap me. Trust me kidnappers, I got nothing. Haha except for my skinny body and fragile bones XD it’s a waste hihi. If you want to, try on Farah XD


Have you ever feel like, you know that he is wrong by not texting you or many more. Then he suddenly texted you like nothing happened yesterday. You want to scold him and you are pretty much upset and mad at him. But you feel like, not doing it because you LOVE him badly. Have you ? If yes, im sure you will have this feeling that feel, bad like there is something wrong you want to tell him but you don’t want to. You will feel mad, and want to cry in the same time. The worst part is, you feel like you want to scold someone. Ive been through this situation for plenty of time. SO, I guess I can share with you on how to get rid of this feelings 

1. Grab on some snacks or candy and eat it. You will feel good ( make you fat too )
2. Turn on the music. Listening to a joyful song will make you happy too. Dance !
3. Play gamessss. You will never regret it. The more you play, the more you got
4. Bear in mind, he did that because he didn’t remember. Its not that big issue. So, just remain silent.
5. Think positive. Never have doubt on him. It will killing you

Pheww, I think that its. Ive did it, and its pretty effective haha. For me, its. But, if he really loves you he will say sorry. If hes not, maybe he forgot. Don’t easily get mad, he will get bored of you. If he doesn’t love you, I love you  hihi

Long time No update

Wo, it has been a very hectic months. Im busy, you busy, we all busy haha. Buat pertama kali nya aku rase sgt sgt sunyi malam nihh ? maybe Im not used of being alone. Im pretty much the ‘hoora-hoora’ girl haha. Okay, here are some tips if you want to be a lil fat :

1. Eat chocolate all the time. Especially before you go to sleep. Drink milk or milo too.
2. Be lazy. Do not work out. Be a couch potato. It feels good, real good 
3. Sleep in the morning, afternoon, evening, night. Haha
4. Don’t walk XD

Haha, ive tried it and ive gained 4 kgs for only 2 weeks. My total weight now is 44kg and im LOVIN it ! hihi. You also got benefit by being fat okay ?

1. Peoples will get scared of you
2. Nobody dares to ask you for food haha XD
3. You will get more comfortable sit in public transportation because you will need 2 seats. Only for you haha
4. Peoples don’t have the guts to mess up with you

SO, for the XL peoples, don’t be shy because of your size. Just be yourself and be confident, with yourself  adioss

Do you know ? No you don’t.

I have created this volcano named ‘The Crush Volcano’. The function ? its to show who is my crush. If it is on top, then you are my biggest crush. If you are at the bottom, you are my ex crush haha XD
This is the dumb-est idea ive ever made. But I like it -.- hihi. Lets check it out

The messages that I love

I am sorry for being stupid and not knowing what to say to make you stay,
If you are alone, I will be your shadow.
If you want to cry, I will be your shoulder.
If you want a hug, I will be your pillow.
If you need to be happy, I will be your smile but anytime you need a love, I will just be me..

I can only be with you in my dream, so let me sleep forever..

I won’t tell anyone that your voice is my favourite sound..

I wish you can tell me that you love me all the time because I don’t want you to love anyone else

A perfect love needs honesty, sacrifices, trust, commitment, passion, excitement, sincerity, loyalty, you and me..

Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick with you forever. Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick with you. You know how to appreciate me, I must stick with you my baby. Nobody gonna make me feel this way, I must stick with you.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The birthday

phewww, im 15teen now ! haha

The bestfriend story

10 cara untuk menjadi bestfriend yg double terbaik antara terbaik !

1. Jadi pendgr yg baik. Mesti korang hangin kan kalau korang tgh syok bercerite kat die, die buat tak cakna je ? ikut hati mmg nak kasi penampa kan ? so dgr lah ape yg nak dibebelkan oleh kawan tu. Baru lah anda bg respon yg bagus. Jgn bg yg out of topic pulak.
2. Ingat birthday dan tarikh penting die. Die mesti happy kalau korang ingat birthday die, lg sedap kalau korang bg hadiah kan. Wahhh grand gitu haha
3. Jangan tinggalkan die walaupun korang tgh rushing. Tak sian kat die ke ? at least bgtau die, “aku nak cpt ni tau, nty kite jumpa kat___________ ” haa kan berbudi sikit. Drpd blahh mcm tu je kan kan ?
4. Support die waktu die tgh susah. Kalau die nangis tu, korang tenang kan die. Tak payah nak gelak gelak dpn die pulak. Apa punya kawan lah mcm tu ? dah die nangis tu, bg die tisu, tepuk blkng die. Bg ayat motivasi kat die.
5. Share ape ape info yg penting dgn die. Yg tak penting pun share jugak. Die akan rase dihargai kalau mcm tuh. Jgn nak bersecret dgn die. Mood akan down kalau die tanye, dan korang jawab SECRET. Tak patut ade secret antara korang. Mcm boyf jugak
6. ade masalah ? share dgn die. Die akan rase yg die ni penting dan dipercayai kalau korang cerita kat die. Terasa mcm cikgu kaunselling gitu haha.
7. Simpan rahsia die betul betul ! sekali korang bocor kan, mmg susah korang nak gain trust dr die balik. Silap silap putus kawan terus. Okay ?
8. Jangan bitching pasal family, kawan baik or boyf die. Korang kene lah terima mcm mane boyf, family or kawan kawan die. Jgn lah sesedap hati nak kutuk diorang. Cube bayangkan diri korang kat tempat die. Tak lawa kan mcm tu ?
9. Always tepati masa dan janji. Wehh, kalau korang janji dgn someone pukul 1, die datang pukul 2.35. ape korang rase ? berasap je kepale kan. So same jugak mcm die, kalau dah janji, kene lah tepati kan.
10. Jgn cari die waktu tgh susah je. kalau aku pun, mmg aku putus kawan mcm nih. Bile gaduh dgn boyf, kemain lg nangis nangis nak aku pujuk. Ce bayangkan kalau korang kat tmpt die kan, msti sedih. Tak gitu ?

Conclusion : bile korang dah ade bestfriend tu, jage lah die elok elok. Aku pun ada. Ramai  Nad, Mikefaa, Zura etc ! hehe

For girlssss

10 Ways to make your boyfriend love you more and more !

1. Always bear in mind to text him whatever or whenever you want to do something or go anywhere. It will make them feel appreciated.
2. Remember all the crucial date, day and event such as birthday, anniversary etc.
3. Say I LOVE YOU when you want to end the message. Not only at the end of message. Whenever you want, just tell him. A simple I LOVE YOU make them feel loved 
4. Say sorry if u`ve done mistake. Its not that hard to say IM SORRY. Its not killing you.
5. Do not ask him the same question over and over. Don’t know what to text about ? get a topic ! its not that hard. Just text him about what have you done today, or what u eat just now, or share your problems with him.
6. There should be no secret between the two of you. So, if there is anything, just tell him.
7. Trust him. In a relationship, trust is the key of a successful one. So, just trust him.
8. Don’t be a bit*h. Boys love girls with dignity. So, there is no need to be sexy in physical. You can also be sexy inside.
9. Make some joke. Honey, what is funnier than a joke ? they love girls with good sense of humor.
10. Be talkative, active and wicked in a nice way. He will feel bored if you meet him and say hi and umm and emmm and owww. Just talk and talk 

For guysss

Benda yang perempuan tak suka pasal lelaki :

1. Lawak yg tak menjadi lawak nye, atau pun lawak kasar. Dude, ape lah kau fikir lah betul betul before nak cakap. Okay ?
2. bercakap dgn nada suara yg tinggi. Dude, perlu ke ckp nak tengking tengking ? slow slow pun boleh paham jugak kan hah.
3. Lelaki yang tak suke tepati masa dan janji. Dude, dah janji kene tepati lahh.
4. Tak berbudi bahasa. Nak sedap lg yg jenis suke mencarut kat prmpuan. Mmg ape punye laki lah tu. Dude, kite ni perempuan. Fragile tau. Treat us like a princess haha
5. Laki yg suke meminta dan mendesak. Kesian tau kat prmpuan sume nihh. Dude, tak kesian ke ?!
6. Memuji awek awek yg lalu lalang dkt tmpt korang tgh date. Dude, kau ingat awek kau tu takde perasaan ke hape ? cube tgh korang date, awek kau cakap pasal mamat lain. Tak hangin ke ekau ?
7. Makan or buat ape ape tanpa mengoffer awek sekali. Dude, prmpuan ni suke tau kalau dihargai. So kalau korang buat ape ape, ingat lah kat awek tu. Diorang mesti suke punye lahhh 
8. Kalau gaduh tu, susah sgt nak cakap sorry. It wont kill you dude. So cakap je lah tak rugi ape pun.
9. Nampak benda yg menyeronokkan, then blahh tinggal awek terkontang kanting kat situ. Dude, kau nak prmpuan kau kene kacau ke ? haha prmpuan nih super sensitive tau
10. Tak berkelakuan sopan. Memang lah kadang kadang bile korang kentut or sendawa baik punya dkt depan awek korang, diorang akan gelak. Dude, kau tak rase ape ke bile buat mcm tu ? kurang sopan dowhhh haha

Conclusion : over-used dude. Sebab ape ? sbb tu je lah yg aku tau gelaran untuk lelaki harhar XD ade gaye sebutan mcm a*wan a*i kalau korang perasan haha

Break up day

Baru lepas break up ? mmg sedih kan. Tp takpe. Mesti ade sbb kan kenape kite break. Takpe tu lain kali kite bincang. Skrg nih, ape yg patut kite buat bile dah break ? bunuh diri ? sila kan haha. Tak de maknenye. Okay lah. Korang tak payah lah bersedih, menempelak diri atau nangis sampai meroyan. Stop it. Because if u do, u`re just wasting your time honey. Just, follow this steps :

1. Cube korang fikir balik, kenape die/korang mintak break ? mesti ade salah seseorang. Kalau tu salah korang, try lah berubah. If salah die, just fikir yg die tak deserve untuk korang. U deserve someone better than that stinky pooooooo haha
2. Have fun ! ape lg korang fikir ? have fun je lah. Hangout dgn kawan kawan perempuan korang. Tu lah gune nye kawan. Jgn biarkan diri korang kusut je. pergi lepas kan semue. Bg korang yg tak nak pulak, ajak kawan datang rumah. Buat sleepovers, masak masak, buat cakes or karaoke  mesti seronok lahh
3. Delete semua msg, gamba, num n memories korang dgn ex boyf tu. Lg korang simpan, lg slalu lah korang teringat kat die. Start over a new life. Mmg susah, tp korang kene lah motivate diri. That’s the first thing to do bile korang break. Unless if korang rase yg possibility untuk korang kembali bersame tinggi.
4. Jangan biarkan diri korang tgk romance/romantic movies, dgr lagu yg sedih sedih or dduk sorang sorang kat rumah. Lg teruk jd nye. So, if tibe tibe mcm teringat kat ex bf tu. Cpt cpt lah call kawan suruh dtng rumah or dgr lagu yg gila gila or tgk comedy film.
5. Jangan stalk die ! omg, kalau lepas korang break. And korang still nak tau die msg dgn sape, cmmnt dan sape, rapat dgn sape, mmg tak tenang lah hidup korang. Cube anggap yg bile u dah break dgn die. Theres no more turning back. Unless, mcm aku ckp td, possibility tinggi.
6. Think positive. Trust me, if u do this. Korang akan rase happy. Selidik balik kenape korang break, and ambil die sebagai moral value 

Conclusion : okay lah, bab break up. Aku pun tak master lg. tp satu benda yg kene keep in mind, listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye. Once u makes a mistake, u will always regret. Aku pernah buat salah jugak time break up nih. So ni je lah yg aku boleh share. Adios !

Tips bersama boyfriend :)

Okay lah, even though aku ni takde bf. Aku boleh lah bg tips sket haha. Mesti korang sakit hati kan kalau kite nihh puas membebel pasal kesalahan diorang. Diorang cakap ‘ APE APE JE LAH’. Mesti rase nak cepuk je mulut die kan ? tapi takpe. Aku ade lah beberape tips yg boleh dikongsikan bg menangani bf korang yg tak reti nak dgr cakap korang tu.

1. Kalau kesalahan diorang tu tak teruk sgt, macam
a) tertido mase tgh msg
b) terhabis kredit time tgh msg/call
c) gurau dgn agak kasar etc.

mesti pernah jd kat korang kan. Mmg sempurna lah lelaki tu kalau die tak buat mende nihh. Jd ape yg perlu korang buat ialah :

a) tegur terus. Jgn simpan dalam hati. Lg korang simpan, lg buruk jadi nye.
b) jgn nak buat ucapan tersirat. Lelaki tak kan paham nye lahh. Ape kome ingat laki ni mcm prmpuan ke ? it’s a big NO.
c) nak merajuk ? sekali sekala boleh. Selalu ? alamat nak kene tinggal lah tu. Lelaki tak brapa suka dgn prmpuan yg isu kecil semut, nak diperbesar besar kan.
d) if die tertido, hantar a simple msg. satu cukup. Bg die rase terharu sikit ( campur rase bersalah )

2. Kalau kesalahan diorang tu agak teruk, macam
a) kantoi msg dgn prmpuan lain, flirt pulak tu ( yg mmg korang tak suke dgn nya )
b) lebihkan kawan lelaki, game and guys stuff drpd korang
c) dah buat salah, but salah kan kite balik ( sakit nye hati nihhhhh )
d) cakap ‘JAP TAU’. Tp mengambil mase sejam dua atau lebih etc.

alahai, waktu korang mule mule start buat relationship dgn si dia, problem nih tak kan jd punya. Tp masuk dua bulan dan seterusnya, sikit sikit akan trjadi fenomena nih. Ape nak kene buat ? ikuti langkah ini :

a) tanye dgn cara yg baik. Die lg suke nak msg dgn prmpuan tu ke atau dgn korang. Kalau die kate korang, suruh die delete num prmpuan tu. Dan seterusnya brjanji dgn korang. Tp bab berjanji nih, susah sikit. Korang kene lah pantau sekali kan. But if die kate prmpuan tu, apa laga ? angkat kaki lahh.
b) lelaki bile dah bercampur dgn puak nye, korang memang dah turun darjat jd second place lah. Lelaki mmg akn pentingkan kawan lelaki diorang drpd korang. So, bile die tgh hang out or lepak dgn kawan die, let him enjoy it. Die mesti suke tgk girlf die memahami. Kan kan ?
c) yang nih, mmg mcm tahi sikit. Kalau die buat salah, then die salah kan kite. Sakit hati punye lah. Kalau yg lemah smgt tu dah nangis dah ni. So, ape perlu kite buat ialah MERAJUK. Haha. Tp jgn teruk sgt. Tak pun. Korang kate SORRY. Tu je. Nty die rase bersalah sikit. Kalau tak menjadi. Cakap je terus yg terbukti itu mmg salah die. Nangis sikit. Lelaki cepat rase bersalah if kite nangis.
d) msg je die. Tp msg sikit sikit dulu. Jgn sekali msg terus nak fire die. Nak sedap lg, perli sikit. Haha

3. Kalau kesalahan diorang tu dah tahap kritikal. Macam
a) mempunyai prmpuan lain
b) mencarut carut dkt korang
c) tak msg lebih dr seminggu
d) selalu off hp etc.

ape lahh, kalau ade antara boyf korang yg buat mcm tu, tak lame dah nih. Kalau laki suke buat mcm ni, tak lain tak bukan, die dah ade pengganti kpd korang. So ape korang kene buat ? buat lah macam ni :

a) siasat dahulu. Sape prmpuan tu kan. Mane lah tau prmpuan tu adik tiri die yg lame mghilang kan ? boleh jd kan. If dah mmg sah die dah ade prmpuan baru, jgn tunggu smpai die dump korang. Baik korang cabut dulu. nak cantik lg, hanta msg pendek pendek je. Short but mendalam. Tak gitu ? haha. Mmg korang akan mghadapi masalah nak survive. So, rujuk lah tips pasal break up pulak lps nih.
b) lelaki yg kurang ajar je akan buat mcm ni kat korang. Tp bile die dah pndai angkat suare dgn korang, korang cakap ‘ PERLU KE angkat suare/mencarut ? ’ then ckp kat die, waktu mule 2 kenal. Takde pun die mcm ni ape lan*au sume kan haha. Bg ayat sikit, nty die cair. Ckp lah, korang lg suke die yg dulu. suruh lah die berubah demi korang. If kite boleh, kenape diorang tak ?
c) yg ni mmg prob besar lah. If korang tau hp die ade masalah or die pergi masuk hutan ke, mmg takde masalah lah. Tp yg terus diam je. mmg sedih kan. So, bile dah lebih dr seminggu die tak text/call, paham paham je lah. Die tak nak ade ape ape dah la tu. Jd korang hanta lah msg, cakap korang dah tau ape yg die nak n korang pun nak lepas kan die. Pastu kalau tak lame lps tu, die cakap hp die rosak or ape ke. Jgn percaya. Ape gune public phone ??

conclusion : lelaki ni tak mcm prmpuan. Prmpuan ni fragile. So bg lelaki lelaki, tlng lah hargai perempuan. We are not your toys

Dilemma ?

Helo helo, aku selalu dgr org kate single is better lah, two is better than one lah ape ape lg lah. So kalau ade org yg dalam dilemma yg tak tau nak ade boyf or single, bace lah info nih. Tp bg aku, both ade kelebihan n kekurangan nye. Jd tak perlu lah korang nak bertikam lidah dgn kawan kawan korang pasal isu nihh.

Okay. Cube korang observe sendiri. Kawan korang yg single nih mcm mane life diorang. Msti korang ade kawan yg single kan. Yg single nih selalu happy je tp kadang kadang tak. Dr situ, korang boleh nmpk kelebihan dan kekurangan nye.

a) org yg single akan ade baaaaaaaaanyak sgt masa terluang. Sbb korang takde commitment kat ape ape pun. Except for pelajaran n hiburan kan. Korang dapat buat byk bende yg korang nak dgn bebas nya.
b) selalunye, yg single single nih takde masalah sgt. Diorang tak perlu nak msg, call or melayan karenah boyf kan. So conclusion nye, no boyfriend no problem.
c) the freedom is yours. Bile korang takde boyf, korang akan bebas nak buat ape ape pun. Tp jgn bebas sgt dah lah kan. Korang bebas nak kuar dgn sape pun, nak gi mane pun, nak call sape pun. Kan kan ?
d) ade ramai kawan. Dah name pun single, mesti korang nak kawan untuk enjoy kan ? so diorang nihh akan ade ramai kawan drpd yg dah ade boyf yg kene stick to one tu kan.
e) boleh bermsg dgn ramai kawan dan bergumbira beramai ramai.

a) takde tempat untuk nak bermanje manje sgt lah. If korang single, korang tak brape ade tmpt nak bermanje kan. Dgn kawan pun nak bermanje n pggl sayang baby sume ke ? mmg boleh, but lain kalau dgn boyf sendiri.
b) rase lain dari yg lain. Cube bayang kan, dalam kelas tu korang je lah yg takde couple gitu. Tak rase mcm alien ? lain lah kalau korang mempunyai keyakinan diri yg tinggi.
c) kalau nak kuar tu, kene buat appointment dgn kawan. Dapat pulak kawan yg busy memanjang. Alamat tak kuar lah korang.
d) mempunyai risiko yg tinggi untuk digelar playgirl. Even korang tak buat ape pun, org lain msti akan pnggil korang playgirl kalau korang bejalan/hangout dgn org yang lain lain. Tu lah kalau dengki, mmg mcm ni lah kan. Bukan sume org open-minded. Kan kan ? 
e) tak cukup tgn nak msg dgn sume org. kalau dah mcm nihh, mmg satu keje pun tak jd lah. Duit pun lg laju je jalan.

Haa, kalau korang perasan. Yg bercouple nih, mood swing diorang lg tinggi lah kan. Ye lahh, dgn boypreng nye, belajar lg, so kalau korang pilih untuk menjadi yg ni. Korang kene pandai atur masa. Tp bg yg bersekolah tu, don’t take it as something serious. Ni kan puppy love gitu haha.

a) korang akan ade tmpt untuk manje manje, ngade ngade sikit haha.
b) bile korang ade boyf, penampilan, percakapan dan kelakuan korang akan lebih terjage. Mesti nak nmpk cantik dpn boyfie tu. Kan kan ? tak kan nak selebet je haha
c) mase dan duit berjalan untuk seorang lelaki saja. Bile korang single, kredit n mase korang lg cepat habis sbb korang takde limit nak msg dgn sape sape pun. Bile ade boyf, mmg kene stick kat die je.
d) rase mcm princess gitu. Ye lah, boyf korang mesti layan korang elok elok. Nak pulak yg mmg romantic, mmg heaven lah kan haha
e) ade someone yg memang akan ade dgn kite waktu senang dan susah. Babe, kawan waktu senang mmg ramai. Waktu susah ? sorang pun cukup susah lah

a) mempunyai kawan yg sikit berbanding dgn single tu kan. Dah korang dah ade boyf, kene lah berkorban sikit kan.
b) mood tak menentu. Kalau korang gaduh dgn boyf kome. Mesti korang tak habis habis nak mengamuk. Dapat pulak yg jenis suke lepas kat org lain. Jenis yg mcm ni lah yg boleh kene pulau dgn kawan kawan lain.
c) mase korang lebih terhad. Dalam sehari tu, sedar tak sedar korang gune hampir half a day untuk msg dgn si dia. Tp yg ni bg yang tahap gaban punye lah kan. Tp kurang kurang pun 3 jam sehari lah. Korang nak belajar, msg. nak makan, msg. tido, pun msg. so lu pikir lah sendiri
d) korang akan spend lebih mase dkt die compare dgn family dan kawan kawan lain. So kalau korang dah ade bf, pndai pndai lah korang balance kan mase dgn kawan, boyf dan family.
e) ambil mase yg lame untuk bersiap siap kalau nak kuar. Dah kalau mcm ni, mmg susah lah. Tp tu lah hakikatnye. Mesti korang nak melaram depan boyf tercinta tu kan. Baru lah rase bergaye. Kan kan ? haha

Conclusion : single or couple ? same je bg aku. Sbb aku pun penah single n couple. haha

Tegur lahhhh

HELL-oo haha. Menghadapi masalah dgn kawan yg berperangai teruk, tp korang tak sampai hati nak tegur ? jgn risau ! aku ade penawar nye hehe. Mesti korang rase mcm tahi kalau ade kawan korang yg suke treat korang mcm sampah, tp bile susah, die cr korang. So apa perlu yg korang lakukan ? scroll lah ke bawah :

1. Tegur secara halus. Bukan lah pakai makhluk halus. Tp cakap berlapik. Tau ? cakap lah konon nye ade sorg kawan ni perangai mcm blabla. Korang tak suke dgn prngai die yg blabla tu. Tp sbnrnya korang tgh describe pasal die. Weyy, sape yg makan cili die lah terase pedasnye, kan kan ? 
2. Tegur je. tp mintak maaf awal awal. Ckp mcm nih “ wehh, kalau aku cakap nih, kau jgn terasa apatah lg merajuk. Sebenarnye____________” haa isilah tempat kosong tu dgn ape yg korang tak puas hati pasal die. Tumbs up punyaaa haha
3. Merajuk dgn die sikit. Buat mcm layan tak layan je. nty mesti die tanye kan, “ kamu nih kenape ? marah dgn kite ke ” so korang cerita lah ape yg terbuku kat hati tu. Kan senang ? gagaga
4. Kalau die jenis yg kasar and open minded, tegur je lah terus. Die mesti boleh terima kan. Tak pun, belanje lah die aiskrim, bg die cool dulu then baru lah cakap. Kang tak pasal pasal kene tumbuk pulak.
5. kalau rase mcm susah sgt, tak payah tegur. Mesti korang ramai lg kawan yg baik yg tak perlu ditegur kan kan ? kite kene lah terima kenyataan yg bukan sume org boleh terima kalau kita nak tegur.

Conclusion : ye memang lah susah dapat kawan yg mcm ni. Bile kite tegur, die merajuk pulak kan. Tp nak tak nak kene lah tegur, kalau kite tak tegur. Sape lg ? karang die sendiri yg malu kalau kite tak tegur kan ? tp before tegur org tu, tengok diri kite dulu tau. Nanti kang kite nak tegur org tu busuk, tp kite pun bau mcm bontot. Baik tak payah, kan kan ? 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

busy like a bee

Waw, im getting `busier` every single time. haha
im busy with school, friends and many more. i really wish theres spare time for me to do something fun. pheww, now im not using my phone anymore. its kinda hard for me. but at last, i can do it :) haha. pray for me my friends

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Situasi : Farah dan Maryam sedang berjalan-jalan di taman reakrasi di kawasan perumahan mereka. Sedang mereka berjalan, mereka terlihat sekumpulan anak muda sedang merosakkan buaian yang terdapat di taman itu.

Maryam : Cuba kamu lihat itu !
Farah : Eh, mereka sedang merosakkan buaian ! Perbuatan mereka sangat teruk. Tidakkah ibu bapa mereka mendidik mereka supaya menjaga kelakuan mereka ?
Maryam : Farah, kamu tidak boleh menyalahkan ibu bapa mereka. Ibu bapa bukanlah satu-satunya faktor yang menyebabkan mereka berkelakuan begitu.
Farah : Ah, kalau bukan ibu bapa, siapa lagi ? ibu bapa sepatutnya mendidik anak-anak mereka menjadi seseorang yang bermoral tinggi.
Maryam : Tidak kah kamu tahu bahawa persekitaran dan rakan-rakan mereka juga memberi kesan terhadap diri mereka sendiri ? Jika kamu bergaul dengan remaja yang berakhlak teruk, sudah tentu kamu akan terjebak dengan aktiviti yang tidak baik. Rakan kamu adalah cermin kepada diri kamu sendiri.
Farah : Betul juga, maryam. Jika kita terdedah kepada persekitaran yang negatif, kita akan terjerumus ke arah yang negatif. Sekarang ini, ramai golongan remaja yang semakin rosak akhlaknya. Mereka sangat mudah terpengaruh dengan rakan sebaya. Mereka seharusnya pandai memilih kawan kerana kawan akan mempengaruhi perlakuan kita.
Maryam : Kita juga haruslah mempunyai pendirian supaya kita tidak terpengaruh dengan rakan sebaya. Tetapi ada juga rakan yang memberi kesan positif kepada diri kita. Kita juga haruslah bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga harta benda awam. Fikirkan tentang orang lain yang mahu menggunakannya.
Farah : Ya. Semua pihak yang cinta akan harta benda awam harus melaporkan perbuatan mereka kepada pihak yang berkuasa. Mari kita melaporkannya.
Maryam : Baiklah. Mari.

Created by : maryam and farah hahah


Im soooooo busy girls. im sorry
I hate plbs, i hate school haha
damn it bitch

Friday, March 12, 2010

Denying denial

Good morning I bid to all my followers. Haha it seems that my older post that is RAGAM MANUSIA kinda give me many reactions. The major reason I wrote that post is only because I can`t stand with the attitude of the people that once be my friends. Its kinda sad, but im not god to change people. Sometimes, I feel like, I want to befriend with them again. But of course I will get negative respond, rght ? take yourself at my position, then u will understand how I feel. Im suffering for a very long period of time. And now I have to stop, I can`t bear it anymore. I know many people hate me for that post. But have to be brave about the truth and u will be satisfied. I want to concentrate on my study and get the highest amount and always be the paramount in my class. I want to go to Korea or Japan. Please god, fulfill my dream. Im trying, doing and hoping.
Oh yes, stop calling me with your nickname, you are just fooling yourself honey  Thank you

Steps to save yourself from crazy stranges :
1. When they say something to you, ignore and ignore it
2. If they try to beat or slap you, stop and stop them
3. If they humiliated you in front of peoples, look at them with weird face
4. If they do ugly faces at you, just turn around and laugh
5. If they laugh at you, stare at them and laugh too
6. If they call their gang, you call the police

Try it, u won`t regret 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ragam Manusia

Yes, skrg nih aku agak dalam kekeliruan. Sebab ape ? sebab karenah orang-orang yg merasakan diri mereka sgt sempurna. Aku pelik, kenape orang nak mengata ? nak mengumpat ? nak memfitnah ? nak membuka aib orang lain ? nak menjatuhkan maruah orang lain ? nak menuduh orang ? ape agak nye yg diorang dapat ? aku tak tau kenape orang-orang tersebut buat mcm tu. Mungkin untuk manambahkan dosa yg seterusnya akan membahagiakan hidup mereka. Mungkin tu lah caranya untuk orang -orang yang lebih sesuai digelar “ORANG KAMPUNG” membahagiakan hidup mereka. Ya lahh, kan orang-orang tersebut mmg dah perangai lebih teruk drpd pelacur jalanan. Jadi mungkin, tu je lah caranya. Tp aku sedar aku siape, aku pun takdelah baik mana. Aku pun ade buat maksiat, tindik sana sini, hasut orang lain, bukak tudung, menipu, mencuri, tikam kawan dr belakang, perampas. Tp aku dah berubah. Aku dulu tersilap pilih kawan. Sangat-sangat silap sampai hampir menghancurkan hidup aku sendiri. Tp syukur, aku dah berubah. Tak tinggal sembahyang dah, tak buat maksiat, tak mengutuk orang, tak membuka aib orang. Sbb aku sendiri pernah rasa apa yg org lain tu rasa. Tp aku tak tau lah kan sampai bile orang-orang tu nak berubah. Nak doa untuk orang-orang tu pun tak de guna rasanya. Sbb diorang tu sgt nipis iman nye. Entah agak nya bile lah kali terakhir orang-orang tu sembahyang ? ambil air smyg ? mengaji ? hanya tuhan saja yg tahu. Ni adik-beradik yg agak “CANTIK” lah perangai nye. Ada ke patut, budak tersebut berkata “ALAH, KENE SEMBAHYANG JUGAK LAH, TAK BOLEH NAK ELAK DAH. ADE USTAZAH PUKIMAK TU”. Aku tak tau apa budak tu fikir waktu budak tu cakap mcm tu. Aku mengaku, mmg dulu aku pun tak disukai oleh ustazah. Aku pun mmg tak suka ustazah. Tp skrg, aku sedar. Tak de gunanya aku dendam dgn ustazah. Menambah dosa aku yg berbakul-bakul ni lg ade lah. Yang si adik tu, takde lah cun mane pun bak kate orang-orang luar sana. Tp sbb die tu seksi dan suke menayang aset nya yg tak seberapa besar tu, die jd lah HOT. Die ni, aku sgt simpati. Gaduh dgn aku disebabkan seorang budak lelaki. Yang lebih menyedihkan, die menuduh aku tanpa sebarang bukti  kasihan sungguh. Tetapi, kalau aku gaduh dgn die. Kakak nye mesti akan masuk campur. Kakak yang BAIK lah kan. Yang kasihan nye, kakak die mendorong die ke arah yg lg menyesatkan. Haha. Sangat-sangat menyedihkan.
Lepas tu ni lagi satu drpd orang-orang tersebut. Dulu aku memang rapat sgt dgn die ni, boleh dikatakan setiap minggu atau hari aku akan berjumpa dgn dia. Waktu mula-mula kenal dgn dia, jgn ckp lahh. Dia baik sgt. Sampai kan sbb dia lah aku ingkar arahan mak aku. Mak aku tak bg aku kawan dgn die. Sbb perangai dia tu bukan lah baik sgt. Orang tua punya nasihat, mmg kite sepatutnya kena dgr. Sbb semuenye tu benar. Rupa-rupanya, KAWAN yang aku ingat sgt baik tu. Tikam aku dr blkg. Dia lah yg memburukkan nama aku. Menjatuhkan nama aku. Menghasut aku. Ya allah, entah apelah aku fikir waktu kawan dgn dia. Dia mmg tak de guna. Mmg menghancurkan hidup aku sahaja. Pelik sgt. Sekarang ni, aku rasa hidup dia mmg lah senang. HOT lah katekan. Tp aku rase tak kan lame. Tunggu lima tahun akan datang, waktu sekolah dah habis, nak masuk ke alam universiti. Ape agak nye pekerjaan yg die dapat ? Doktor ? Guru ? Peguam ? tak mungkin. Pekerjaan yg paling sesuai untuk die ialah mengutip sampah dan menyesali semua perbuatan yg pernah dilakukannya. Tp itu pun kalau die dah insaf lah kan ? Atau mungkin, die akan terjerumus ke alam pelacuran ? siapa yg tahu kan ? Nak ckp die ni pandai, mmg lah pandai. Sampai NAK CURAH ASID KAT MUKA aku lg. Lawak betul. Gang-gang die pun semuanya sama. Sama-sama akan masuk dalam neraka haha.

Brand new dream

When i turn 16, i want to go far far away from this place !

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Desperated bitch

Well, if u know me. i guess u all will definitely know who is that bitch. She is from hell and she is fucking stupid. she accused me wrongly haha. but i love to fight. so i just move along. poor her. she is o desperate so i cant do anything accept for admit it :) poor u ugly prostitute haha i will laugh for you everyday, every time. dont pray for me. i dont need it from you. u and ur fucking group, go to hell luhhh.
hey fucking lady, i dont need ur fucking attention and ur fucking talk. fucking thank you

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Victory

haha, its hard to say this. but i won the merentas desa. number 1 ! haha. after that, i looked like a monster TT seriously, and poor mikefaa. shes so exhausted and nearly faint

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New name, new attitude

Gosh, ive done something that i think is good haha. ive made a barnd new email. so please, add my ym thankyou babe. and yes i hate miss izma so fucking much. u deserve to go hell la bitch. fuck you stupid whore. no man will love you. no izma, happy. yes izma, riot. duhhh, go to hell you whore shuh shuh

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Heloo newbies

Ive make a lot of friend :) haha i love them and they also loveee me. for know, im trying to avoid my handphone. so i have to endure all the painnn garghhhh. class ? getting worst ! i cant get along with school ! wth ? asyik tulis ILY je kat buku, so tak boleh catch up XD haha

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A super day off

I didnt go to school today :) ii is a good news, but the bad news is im having flu and also feverrr. arghhh, gimme tissue ! it makes me miserable. but still gimme benefit. the benefit is, i dont hve to go to school haha. even though im sick, im still having funnn haha


1) eat something healthy.
2) Avoid eating junkfood and something cold ( ice cream !
3) Do regular exercise.
4) Do balanced diet.
5) do yoga XD haha

do it, then u will be like jessica alba. ignore it, u will be like bubu. haha

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

KOKO again haha

Okay as usual, i akan pegy koko. and yes, mikefaa pun ade. macam biase, dye tak kan turun padang. dye cume membesar kan bontot nyaaa haha. keputusan nye, tgk lah dye skrg. wuhhh, td kawad. penat tak terkata TT panas sepanas yg bolehhhh haha. kanan kanan kanan kiri kanan ! ayat tu je yg i dgr spnjg berdiri kat tgh dataran tu. haha. tp nak buat mcm mane enn, i mmg rajin org nyerrr XD okay lahh, badan pun dah mule membusuk rasenye. nak pegi mandi lahhh. byee :)

Things to do to achieve your ambition :
1. Follow the instruction given.
2. Do the instruction given.
3. Happy with the thing that u have done by the instruction given.
4. Accomplished !

gamba tu, dalam kelas 1 noble last year. mikefaa sgt happy. tak tau kenapaaaa ! haha very zanyy

Saturday, January 16, 2010


this is BUBU. heloo im bubu. im fat and lazy. i aint got any friend haha kesian muka dia gemuk sangatttt !

I will rule the Kingdom of Game

See, i am too busy gaming until i cant even control myself -.-
i have to stop ! arghhh. Fuck that stupid zombiess that kill me in left 4 dead


1. Avoid from computer

2. Avoid from handphone

3. Fulfill your time with something that gives u benefit

haha. I guess that all that i have. follow it then u will be the paramount of yourself :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

The confrontational years

I have to admit, so far, the year 2010 is not that bad. I manage to complete all my work on time and also have time to text n play with peoples. I hope this attitude will last forever. Because I like it. Honestly I tell u, the last two years. I often left my work undone. And yes it’s bad bad thing because it make my result terrible. I get into the third class that is 3K3. But I take pleasure in it much because I have mikefaa as my p.i.c. Thanks to God. If I don’t have her in that class, it will be a major mess. She always told me motivational talk and advices. She also told me about the latest information haha. That is totally entertaining. I have Mr P as my class teacher. Wowww, at first I saw him. I was traumatized to death to see all the hair that grew towards his ears and chest. He looks like a shaggy monster with a welcoming face. But actually, he is gooood :) I guess I have to keep all this stuff in track so that I can achieve my operations effortlessly and superbly.


Who is she? Apparently, she is a stunning lady with a very tiny eyes and zany persona. She is a very good friend. If u want a very faithful companion, she will definitely suits u well. She is beyond gorgeous. She may look a lil bit of Chinese and Korean. What a very beautiful combination. How did I know her ? Our prologue starts with a very catastrophic moment haha. I will say that actually its kinda immature and hilarious haha. It begin with the first day of school of 2008. I got the same class as her. That time, I still didn’t befriend with her yet. Then when it was time to pick up the places that u wanted to sit in the class, that`s the time when the warfare between mikefaa and me started. We struggled to get the front seat. It’s not really a front seat actually haha. But since then, we started to speak to each other. And soon, when I didn’t realize at all. She started to be one of the closest friends of mine. I have to confess, she is so cute when she laugh. Her face will turns to pink and reddish haha. There’s only one thing, to do, three words for you, ILOVE YOU weeee ~

Diary of the slave

I want to revolutionize. Believe it or not, its certainly up to you. I want to change myself, my mind-set, my behavior and my everything. I want to be someone better, someone beyond perfection and some one that is successful. Tell me im crazy, its okay. Its maybe true, but I can doubt u. I don’t want to be the old Maryam. The one that is chatty, proud of herself, talk bad about people, neglect her study, do bad stuff, do defacement, sneak out of the house. No, I don’t want that. I want to be the new one. Please God, help me change. Show me the holy path and conduct me to the exact way. Don’t let me swallowed by my black past shadow that keep evocative me. Prevent me from doing anything that is outlawed. I hope this year, I will get 8As for my PMR, be the paramount in my class, be the one that make my parents swollen with pride. Because that is the only point I live for, make them proud..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I won the competition

haha, td petang ade koko kat sekolah. Like usual, i mmg suke sgt sgt lah aktiviti sklh ni. tak mcm mikefaa gemuk tu. datang sekolah, but tak join pun. No wonder lah die gemuk enn XD haha jahatnye aku. sorry mike, no matter what happen i will always love u babe. and siti also :) my baby haha. i join krs enn. then kene reka pulak bgunan guna straw. i sudah tentu nye dikenali kerana idea ku yg sungguh kreatif XD so, i pun memerah otak lah en. name building tu ialah HSG ( Hospital Semut Gemuk ) sangat tidak disangka, bgunan itu menang tempat pertama yaahh. ulang suara, tempat pertama. haha seronok tak terhingga. ingatkan dapat lah kerete myvi sebijik ke, mini cooper ke. tgk tgk, dapat tisu sahaja hahaha. takpelah kann. janji i happy wuhwhuu

Hazim Aqil

well, who is he ? Fyi, he is taken by me haha. Dang, he is lovely, funny and kinda rude but i like it :) haha he is beyond perfection. He meant everything to me. At first, we didnt get together so well as i never met him in person. I was standard six that time haha. We getting closer in 2008. haha well i have to admit, at first yes i do want to ignore him, but i cant :) i cant resist him ahah wowww. He is understanding. He is great haha. Then, we make a relationship. but hell yes, i didnt stand too lone. we broke up and its my fucking fault. I was unfaithful. i broke his heart into million pieces. But still he didnt ignore me. He treat me like a princess. But yes as usual, i treat him like, damnn. i do felt sorry for him, but i dont know why i stiil dont want him back. Until one beautiful night, we get back together :) It was on 12.12.09 ahah. its great ! i really enjoy being his girlf. he is perfect, seriously i tell u. If u want to find a boyf, he will do it the best. ahah baby :) ILOVEYOU and always be

New to the blog world

Heloo, at first. let me introduce myself :) im maryam and im 15 years old. Let me get this thing clear, i do look like a stupid and `huhaaa' girl, but im goooooooddd :) haha. I was born on 22 June at Terengganu Malaysia. But hell no, I dont understand a word about what what are they saying hoho. Im friendly XD seriously, no lie haha. I love to eat. eating makes me horny XD nehhh just kidding. I enjoy eating food :) My fav one ? spaghetti please. haha. drink ? I take lemonade and ice tea. dangg so deliciousssss ! slurppp haha. Im skinny and short -.- that is the only thing that I dislike about myself. hoho if theres something that i can wish for, a lil tall would be nice. ahah. I loveeeeee go to school :) weird hoh, but its fun yet so cooooool ! If theres anything that u want to know more about me, add my myspace and also fb :) its fun making friendsss :)